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Repository of reproduction codes for DiBenedetto et al., 2020, "Crystal aggregates record the pre-eruptive flow field in the volcanic conduit at Kilauea, Hawaii".
Repository for Culha et al., 2021 research on self-sustaining instability and its imprint on crystal zonations. Project is current submitted to ESSOAr with the intention of submission to JGR.
Code repository for reproduction of the key results discussed in Lunghino et al., "The protective benefits of tsunami mitigation parks and ramifications for their strategic design", PNAS, 2020.
We quantify the impacts of coastal flooding and near-future sea level rise in the San Francisco Bay Area. We integrate a traffic model with a set of flood maps to simulate traffic flow in flood scenarios.
quantifying ... sea level rise floods+ 1 more -
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Including the data and code used in the paper: JGR-2019-Flow-to-Switching.
Reproducibility for report "Waveform inversion of blended data: How does data blending influence different scales of the velocity model?" from SEP 176
Interpreting poorly focused images using deep learning and residual migration
Publicly accessible repository for the code associated with the manuscript "Kasmalkar, I., Mantelli, E., and, Suckale, J 2019. Spatial Heterogeneity in Subglacial Drainage Driven by Till Erosion. Submitted to Proceedings of the Royal Society A."
Scripts to reproduce sample and calibrated permissions and coefficient closures as shown in Figures 3–6 from Keller & Suckale, Geophys J Inter, 2019, manuscript GJI-18-0792.
The code and data used in the paper named "Shape matters-Fully coupled, direct numerical simulations of rectangular particles in suspension."
Acoustic isotropic operators
IO and parameter independent of SEP
Several codes used in Suckale, et al., Bistability of buoyancy-driven exchange flows in vertical tubes, JFM, 2018.
Several codes used in Suckale, et al., Bistability of buoyancy-driven exchange flows in vertical tubes, JFM, 2018.
This project includes the code used in Qin and Suckale, 2017, IJMF
2D two-phase numerical simulation and experiments used to better understand the impact of the geometry on the stability of ascent gas slug
Including the data, code and simulations shown in the paper.
Repository with the necessary parts to build a 2D sigsbee velocity model.